


If you want to cancel an order, simply log in to "My Account" page and click the "Cancel Order" next to the purchase or email . You will receive a cancelled order confirmation email shortly.

If your order has not been shipped, we will arrange a full refund. If the order is already in transit, we need to contact the shipping company to recall the order and arrange a full refund for you.

Please note: Any items delivered by trucks or USPS cannot be recalled. If the recall fails, refuse delivery acceptance from UPS and Fedex upon the arrival of your products.

Refusal to deliver

If you reject your order at the time of delivery, please email us. If we do not receive your rejection notice, the refund or exchange may be delayed or refused.

If the item is rejected due to damage or defect, please send us a photo so that we can review and resolve the issue.

30-day guarantee

We want every item to be a perfect compliment for your home. You can request a return or exchange within 30 days after delivery if you feel the item doesn't satisfy your home decor. 30-day returns must with the original contents attached and with the original packaging; returned merchandise that does not satisfy these requirements may not qualify for a refund.

Some items cannot be returned:

* Special Priced Items

* Flash Deals

* Bundle discounts (unless the entire bundle is returned)

* Shipped by trucks

* Any item after 30 days from the delivery day

However, if your product is damaged or defective, these exceptions do not apply. In this case, please check Rare Buyz Care, we will work with you to find the best solution.

After Unboxing

In order to avoid being rejected due to lack of packaging when you want to exchange or return, we ask our customers not to process the order box. Before you are sure that Rare Buyz products are suitable for you, we recommend that you fold the box flat and store it.

Free exchange

You can exchange the same product with different colors in the order within 30 days after delivery. The shipping fee for the first replacement item is free. If you decide to exchange the product again (ie more than once), you will be responsible for the return shipping costs.

Please note: Please ensure that the product is brand new and unused. All exchanges must be carried out in the original packaging. If you do not have the original packaging on hand, you will need to pay an additional $66 repackaging fee for each item.


If you think your product is not suitable, you can return your product within 30 days from the date of delivery. To start a return, please email  and initiate a return request, we will send you a return number and form to complete. You must have a return number and form from us to start the process.

Please note: Please ensure that the product is brand new and unused. All returns must be made using the original packaging. If you do not have the original packaging on hand, you will need to pay an additional $66 repackaging fee for each item.

For most Rare Buyz product returns, you will get a pre-paid return label that allows you to return the item to our supplier’s warehouse. You can need to email to receive the label.

If you want to return the goods in person, please email us and confirm the return tracking number we will then require confirmation from our warehouse this is possible.

Please send all returns to:

Rare Buyz CO/Costway

11250 Poplar Avenue, Fontana, California 92337


Please note that we are not responsible for the shipping costs for self-returns.

Once the item returns to our warehouse, our team will inspect it. If it is brand new, we will refund within 7 working days minus the return shipping fee (except for returns caused by quality problems).

Loss Items

If you suspect that your package is missing, please send an email to to send the order number and tracking number to our customer service team so that we can initiate a lost package investigation. This claim will help retrieve your lost or lost package. The process will take 7 - 10 days until the official confirmation from the shipping company can be received.


When you place an online order, we authorize your credit card to make sure sufficient credit is available. We can only issue refunds through the original method used to pay for the order. Depending on your credit card provider, it may take up to 15 business days for the refund to be reflected in your balance. If the original payment method is no longer available, we are happy to issue store coupons equal to the refund amount.


We do not provide recycling or shipment services for old and second-hand furniture.

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